biuro -at- teleopieka -dot- com -dot- pl


February 18, 2018 2:33 pm

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Feel fulfilled and enjoy life

You have so many dreams and desires, which previously could not be fulfil. It seems to you that at this stage of your life you need to focus on caring about your health. After all, you never know what you might experience.

The Silver Care and Rescue System – SilverCRS can be you invisible companion, one that does not bother you and is both discreet and unobtrusive.

Fears of unpleasant health situations create restrictions in achieving your simplest goals. We ask ourselves whether we will receive help if the need arises. We’re not sure if we would dare to ask strangers for assistance. The purpose of the Silver Care and Rescue System – SilverCRS  is to act in a way that does not interfere with everyday functions but to automatically react to any disturbing sign. After all, we could collapse and then we would not be able to react by calling an ambulance. The Silver Care and Rescue System – SilverCRS, thanks to its special mechanisms of data analysis, will automatically recognise such situations and send a notification to the appropriate persons or guardians.

If you care about your loved ones you can fulfil their desires with the help of the Silver Care and Rescue System – SilverCRS.  At the same time, you do not lose the sense of providing them with care and support.

Seniors and disabled people place their highest value in peace of mind and their safety.

Video from the website of Katarzyna Dorosz ACTI50.TV 

